Private Concierge Scotland are very excited to announce we’re now using and accepting what3words addresses across our service offering, so you can easily get picked up and dropped off exactly where you need to be.
So how does what3words work?
Be exactly where you want to be with Private Concierge Scotland and what3words
To help you enter your exact destination easily, we accept what3words addresses.
Street addresses aren’t always reliable – they often don’t lead you to the right place. Search for one and a pin will typically drop in the centre of a building, rather than the entrance you need to get dropped off at. Whether it’s a specific building entrance, street corner or park gate, we’ve added what3words as a feature in the app to help you quickly and easily tell drivers exactly where to drop you off.
what3words is an easy way to enter your precise destination. Every 3 metre square has been given a unique combination of three words: a what3words address.
Where do I find what3words addresses?
You can find what3words addresses in guidebooks, website contact pages and anywhere you would normally find regular street addresses. You may be sent one by email, text message, or calendar invite. If you’re invited to a friend’s house for dinner, ask them to share their home’s what3words address.
If you’re going to meet friends in the park, find the what3words address of the entrance you’d like to meet at with the free what3words app or online map. You can do this by entering the name of the park into the search bar, switch to satellite view for more detail, and drag the map until you’ve selected the square at the right entrance.
Once you know your destination’s what3words address, enter the three words into the app and send it to your driver.
Chauffeur Drive
Our chauffeur services are already unlike any other, now we have enhanced these once again. By using what3words, we allow you to tell us exactly where you would like us to pick you up and drop you off. Making your overall driven experience truly tailored to you. We are not a taxi but our drivers can adapt to changes en route ensuring that your plans are always flexible.
Airport Pick Up
Arriving somewhere new, into one of Scotlands airports can be disorientating and confusing. Our drivers send you a welcome text message as well as their what3words address so that if you have any difficulty you know exactly where they are. We will let you know where our vehicle is parked and where our driver will be waiting for you in the lounge. Making your arrival in to Scotland as stress free as possible!
Picture Courtesy of Castle Air Picture Courtesy of Castle Air
Luxury Fishing
Taking you directly to the river, loch or fishery as we guide you in your own self drive 4×4. Fishing lochs and beats are sometimes tricky to find, when using what3words we can guide you in using the best roads and tracks stopping you at the most precise location ready for your time to find those tight lines.
The moors and estates of Scotland are vast and varying with difficult landscapes and wide open spaces. Meeting your host for a day shooting isn’t as easy as using your standard sat nav. We provide you with a specific what3words address to get you to your meeting location first time.
Highland Safari
Our clients love to see wild deer on our highland safaris. They are sometimes so tricky to find. So when you’re on your own exploring Scotland with one of our itineraries, we will give you the what3words address to take you to our favourite spots! No guarantee of seeing any deer but we’ll give you the best opportunity.
What’s next?
Send us your what3words address and let us know where you would like picked up!